“Stone, I just wanted to take a few minutes to tell you that you provide a service that is second to none. You literally provide THE opportunity that people are looking for online and you must be crazy to provide it for free!
I’ve learned and accomplished in three weeks what would have taken me years on my own. As if the 30 day step by step, day by day guide wasn’t enough…you also throw in a ton of other resources that would have cost me thousands elsewhere. The bonuses are extremely valuable, not just cheap junk that others provide. What you provide in the member’s area is more than enough Stone, and you could’ve charged several hundred per month for access to all that…but you don’t. Your desire to help others speaks loudly.
If all that weren’t enough, your support staff sets the standard in internet customer service. Between the help desk and forum, I feel like I’ve joined a family that will stop at nothing to help. I love knowing who’s helping me out…something you will not find anywhere. Being a PIPS owner isn’t just about starting a website…it’s about creating something of value and starting a web presence! Thanks again Stone…many times over.”
– Jeremy Smith
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