Hello, My name is Doris. I recently joined Plug-In Profit Site and in working my way through the 30 Days to Success guide, my first impressions have been, “WOW”. In fact, I find myself going back to re-read. You know… the old cliché, “Seeing is Believing”?
Well, I can say for a fact that Stone Evans has really put together a “Done for You” System. That’s not to say that there is nothing for you to do. I have found that there is really a lot for me to do. But guess what?…. Most of that is “optional”. But as I keep finding the things that Stone HAS done for me in setting up my Plug-In Profit Site, I am not only in awe, but extremely grateful.
You see, I know just enough about creating web sites to understand and appreciate the time, thought, work, and sometimes even frustrations, that go into creating a web site. However, what Stone Evans has created is far superior to what I can technically put together. While I can create what I believe to be a pretty page and functional for my purposes, I’m the first to admit that I am not a programmer. And I also know that it really requires someone like Stone and his staff to put together a project of the magnitude that I am finding in Plug-In Profit Site.
Like many of you reading this, “life” controls my time and I feel a bit like my “moving forward” is only “inching along”. But as Stone points out, “This is not a race…” We go at our own pace and we don’t really have to read every word or do every task suggested, because the core elements to make this work are already built into Plug-In Profit Site.
What we decide to do in addition will only build upon that foundation for success. I invite you to join us. Plug-In Profit Site seriously has built in some great money attracting programs. You just have to jump on this bandwagon and hang on for the ride.
Yes, Stone Evans set up a fully functional blog with extras for me. He really is a man of his word. God Bless.
Doris Newnam
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